Attract the right clients


Attract the right clients
Using Great Website Design to Gain the Ideal Client

Using Great Website Design to Gain the Ideal Client

Website design is much like designing your own home. If selecting a home was just about protection from the weather we would still be living in caves. Building custom homes has always been about reaching for something greater. Much like a great foundation builds a...

Marketing. Do I have to?

Marketing. Do I have to?

The questions is not, do you have enough clients, the questions is, do you have the right clients?  Why You Should Never Underestimate the Importance of Marketing As a business owner, I know how easy it can be to keep your head down and focus on the work in front of...

45 Blog Topics for Architects, Designers, and Builders

45 Blog Topics for Architects, Designers, and Builders

You have a blog. And it has one job… to attract readers. Those readers stop what they’re doing to enjoy your article. And this is where the magic starts. Those readers give you 5-10 minutes of their attention and then… become fans, fans become prospects, prospects...

Social Media: The Good, The Bad & The huh?

Social Media: The Good, The Bad & The huh?

  The question we’re all asking. Am I wasting my time? OR . . .   am I more connected with family, friends and, clients? The answer is yes, these tools keep us in contact with people we would otherwise have no easy connection to.   The conversation then...

The biggest mistake builders make on Instagram

The biggest mistake builders make on Instagram

Curating your Instagram Feed One of the biggest mistakes I see builders make on their business social media accounts is posting construction progress photos that don’t resonate with their ideal clients. Let me explain. My grandmother is a home and garden junkie, who...

Picture of Melissa Lind


I'm Melissa Lind,

I help builders and architects position themselves as leaders in their market to find higher quality clients and more freedom.

My blog details how to highlight your zone of genius, identify your ideal clients, curate a professional portfolio, and use online tools to educate and attract the best clients.


Marketing Ideas for Builders and Architects Book Cover

How to find more high quality leads and freedom.

TOP 5 actionable steps for builders and architects.