by ramshacklegenius | Apr 8, 2015 | marketing, Networking, social media
First, does your business need to be social? You hear people degrade social media as often as you hear them talk about the weather, but the fact is, social media is how people disseminate information nowadays. It is the new newspaper. The upside is that you can...
by ramshacklegenius | Jan 14, 2019 | blogging, google seo, marketing
Sometimes what was old news is new again. Like having a business blog. Architects, designers, developers, realtors, and builders are all turning to blogs to attract new customers. In a world gone crazy over Instagram stories, Facebook Live, and Pinning everything...
by ramshacklegenius | Jan 14, 2019 | blogging, Ideal Clients, marketing, Networking
My husband loves going big. Why use a little seasoning when you can use it all, why take a vacation to California when you can drive a vintage airstream to Mexico with a dog and two cats. Why hang one string of holiday lights over the teepee when you can hang seven....
by ramshacklegenius | Nov 21, 2018 | marketing, social media
The question we’re all asking. Am I wasting my time? OR . . . am I more connected with family, friends and, clients? The answer is yes, these tools keep us in contact with people we would otherwise have no easy connection to. The conversation then...
by ramshacklegenius | Jan 9, 2015 | architectural photography, marketing
The first time I took a night shot with my new Canon, I was astounded. I had little idea the difference the cost of your camera would make regarding lighting. A good camera will pull light from the smallest sources and make it bright as day. All you need is a steady...