Attract the right clients


Attract the right clients



If you’re thinking about investing in yourself and your business,
you’re bound to have questions.

Here are some answers to get you started

How are you different than other design agencies?

We work exclusively with architects and builders. As a licensed landscape architect & web designer working closely with builders & architects for the last 20 years, I intimately know:

  • the design/build process
  • what your client’s are looking for
  • how to communicate the value of good design

As a business owner and designer myself I understand the unique challenges you face in consistently attracting the right kind of projects and high quality clientele to get your business moving in the right direction. I am already working with some of the nations most talented architects & builders and their testimonials are heart warming.

How long have you been doing this work & how did you become an expert?

After receiving my LA license in 2002 I realized that I enjoyed marketing my landscape architecture business more than anything else. I started doing it for the firms I worked for and then built my own business collaborating with independent consultants in order to put together the best team for every project. 

What personality do you work best with & what do you expect of me?

Our clients love the work they do, have a positive mindset and are motivated to continually up their game. More than just a website or marketing plan, my team develops a unique and vibrant identity for your business that communicates to your clients what kind of lifestyle your talent can provide. We ask a lot of questions and give you homework that forms your unique storyline. Yup, you got homework.

Who don't you work with?

We work with professionals who want to be the best in their field or niche and are willing to take the time to investigate what unique skills they offer to the world. We don’t work with people who want to get something done quick and dirty.

Will I be working with you?

Yes. I do all project management and art direction. We work together to put together a Master Plan to accomplish your goals and then I assemble a special team of very talented professionals who provide programming, copywriting, graphic design, videography and photography specifically for you. 

How do you handle photography if I am not in your area?

If you are not in our area we research, interview and contract with professionals in your area so that we get the right kind of representation for your work. Professional quality photography for architects and builders is one of your most important assets. We make sure you have the right photographer. 

What if I already have photos?

Great, you can share them with us and we can edit and upload them to the right places. It is important to have a consistent quality and style of photography so that it doesn’t detract from the actual work. We help you curate a gallery that represents the best of what you do. 

How do we meet?

Many of our clients are across the nation and we communicate by phone, Skype and email. My available to travel when needed.

Will I be able to make revisions or add photos to our website?

Absolutely. We work exclusively in Word Press which allows easy access to editing. We provide a design that can be replicated as you add new projects or services. As part of our services, we provide you with video screencasts on your specific website that you can reference as needed. 

    What is the benefit of your services over SquareSpace or Wix?

    As a professional that provides custom work you know the difference in quality between work that is designed and built by professionals, and something that is do it yourself. We recommend Word Press because it is the most customizable platform, and we recommend that you hire a professional to design and build your website.

      I know I need your services, but I can't afford it right now.

      We are in the process of putting together resources for businesses that are not ready for our one on one services. Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Instagram to get more information.

      Do you accept credit cards?

      Yes, we accept all major credit cards.

      Do you have payment plans?

      Our one-time fee services are broken into either two or three payments depending on the service.

      Will I recover the cost I've spent working with you?

      If you do the work, you will make positive changes in your business much faster than if you were doing it alone.  It only takes one new client to make back your investment.

      I'm in! What are the next steps.

      Congratulations. In making this decision you have already moved your business forward.  The next step is to fill out the questionnaire on my contact page here.  This will help both of us come prepared to discuss your business and how I can help.  Together, we’ll review these questions and talk about where you are and where you want to go next.